Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy birthday to ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I took this video on my new Flip cam that Jason gave me for my birthday. He followed all of my subtle hints, like "hey I want a Flip for my birthday." and "Jason I would love you to buy me a Flip for my birthday." I know, it seems really forward, but Jason needs the less than subtle hints, and honestly I believe that if you want something you should say it and not just expect your spouse to figure it out. Annnnyway, I have been having a great birthday despite the fact that Sam gave me my present in the form of vomit as I was getting ready to leave for Church. Michael was puklicious yesterday so I asked Jason to keep him home today. I felt awful that they have been sick, but I am prone to believe that it must have been some sort of odd bug, bc after they get sick all the boys have been just fine. I hate seeing my boys sick, especially since they are all such active kids.
I will post pics of my bday cake that I am working on later.

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